Lazy K Ranch Heritage Preserve
As a multi-generational ranching family, we are dedicated to the sustainability of the western lifestyle. Recognizing the unique biodiversity of the land encompassed by the Lazy K Ranch, in 2008 our family put the first conservation easements on this historic property. Now several years later, in partnership with California Rangeland Trust and Vollmar Consulting, most of the ranch is preserved, in perpetuity, as open space and endangered species habitat.
These conservation values include vernal pool habitat and surrounding managed uplands providing good-quality habitat for various native plant and wildlife species and multiple listed and other special-status species including vernal pool tadpole shrimp, vernal pool fairy shrimp, midvalley fairy shrimp, California tiger salamander, western spadefoot, Swainsons hawk, and succulent owls clover as well as preserved foraging/dispersal habitat in an Essential Connectivity Area for San Joaquin kit fox.
For more information on what you can do to further this and other conservation efforts, please visit